Saturday, December 8, 2012

Prayers For All In Cancer-World

Seventeen days from today it will be Christmas. So, here is my "Prayer Countdown" beginning today:

Prayers for Healing. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Strength. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Hope. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Mercy. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Wisdom. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Peace. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Courage. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Goodness. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Patience. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Joy. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Encouragement. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Relief. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Victory. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Faithfulness. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Wholeness. Lord, in Your mercy...

Prayers for Families. Lord, in Your mercy...

Christmas Eve Prayers. Lord, in Your mercy, people all over Your creation look to You this night with anticipation, expectation, and our hopes and dreams are wrapped in many things. There is fear that can come with the night and a dread that this night will not give way to life. Many who have cancer in their world are not filled with Your joy and peace tonight. But You reside in this world with us and You know each heart. You know each life and You are THE Light that shines, boldly, into our dark night. It is at night that the angels light up the dark skies and fill the darkness with singing; tune our ears to hear their songs and our hearts to join in their hymns of praise. As Your Light and Hope pierce our darkness, remember that Your children are all over the map spiritually, physically, and emotionally tonight. Fill each with hope for a bright tomorrow and an assurance that You hold us all in Your amazingly tender hands. Thank You, Lord, for the Promise tonight holds! Amen and Amen!

Christmas Day Prayers. Lord, in Your mercy, the day dawns and this is the Day that You have made! We will rejoice in Your Promises that are being fulfilled! We will be glad that You are among Your people. We will rest knowing that God Is With Us, Emmanuel. Cancer is a dark blot, but You are King! For unto us a child has been born who Is Christ the Lord, and we will stand and join all angelic choruses on earth and in heaven. We will continue praying, living, breathing, dying, hoping, singing, continuing, growing, believing, dancing, lifting, soaring, holding, and doing. Christmas speaks to life, hope, and peace and those are always Your final words to us, O Lord, and we thank You! Amen and Amen!

All Prayers Wrapped in Much Love

Lord, in Your mercy, thank You for hearing Your children praying. Please grace our lives with true riches from Your Heavenly Throne and we will be satisfied. Thank You, Lord, and Merry Christmas! Amen and Amen!

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